
Fractional CO2 laser and how it is used in skin and skin treatment

Basmat Al Hayat Medical Center provides the latest techniques for treating scars, pimples and skin diseases through the application of fractional CO2 laser, which is considered the ultimate solution for all skin and skin problems and getting rid of the effects of acne, early wrinkles, or the effects of surgical procedures. Finally, how to contact

Fractional CO2 laser and how it is used in skin and skin treatment Read More »

Treating the effects of scars and pimples with the Smile of Life Center

Features of the Basmat Al Hayat Center The center for treating scars and pimples The Smile of Life Center is the clinic for treating scars and pimples. It has many characteristics that you may not find in any other center. Integrated services in various fields A full medical team of the most qualified doctors is

Treating the effects of scars and pimples with the Smile of Life Center Read More »