Dissolving Body Fat

We all suffer from the problem of fat accumulated in the body in different parts of it such as thighs, arms, area below the chin and other areas, this fatty accumulation is one of the annoying things that we are looking for a solution whether quick solutions or those solutions that require physical effort over long periods while adhering to special diets during that period, we are looking for those solutions seeking health, a better lifestyle and an beautiful shape that satisfies our changing demand.

The contents of the article

  • What is body fat?
  • Causes of body fat accumulation?
  • Ways to dissolve body fat
  • Surgically dissolve fat steps
  • Side effects of surgical fat dissolving
  • After dissolving
  • Ways to dissolve fat without surgery
  • Dissolving belly fat
  • Fat dissolving prices

What is body fat?

Before mentioning the methods used to dissolve body fat, it is necessary to know what fat is and how it is formed, as it is one of the huge problems suffered by many women and men as well and negatively affects their respective health.

Causes of body fat accumulation

  • There are many reasons why fat exists in different areas of the body and everything related to it will be explained as follows:
  • Eat meals with high calories, especially those prepared outside the home
  • Exceed the calories required for the body per day even if eating is healthy
  • Bad feeding habits such as excessive intake of sugars from different drinks such as homemade or canned juices and soft drinks also of different types
  • Late-night dinner increases the possibility of fat accumulation in the abdominal area
  • Sleep immediately after dinner or food in general
  • laziness and inactivity allows fat not to be burned
  • Some health problems in people in the thyroid gland responsible for burning in the human body, leading to a reduction in the rate of burning of the body and other diseases such as hepatitis

Ways to dissolve body fat

There are many different ways to get rid of body fat, including those that are usually used to dissolving fat and that will be mentioned as follows:

  • Continuous exercise for half an hour a day maintains body fitness and also increases the rate of burning calories entering the body, although these are such as walking, swimming, running, dancing, cycling or some types of sports that need specialized places such as machinery, and cardio
  • Eat some types of herbs that help with burning, such as green tea
  • Eat yogurt
  • Drink chamomile
  • Drink cinnamon or add it to food while cooking
  • Add turmeric to recipes
  • Some natural recipes such as eating vegetables, especially radishes on a daily basis
  • Mint mixture with soaked lemon and a little ginger and cumin, drunk continuously and daily, leading to increased burn rate and thus the possibility of dissolving fat
  • Cumin and lemon mixture, soaked overnight and eaten in the morning on a stomach as free as a cup per day up to a maximum
  • If good results are not obtained in cases of regular fat melting without operations, various fat dissolving procedures such as surgical fat dissolving or modern methods without surgical intervention are used.

Surgically dissolving fat steps

Before starting the steps to dissolve fat, a consultation session is held by the doctor to see if she needs this procedure or not, and if she needs to determine how much she may need and how appropriate the patient’s health is for that procedure.

This method is different from other methods, as liposuction is not done when dissolved but comes out with known vital processes, which does not harm the vessels and tissues surrounding the area from which the fat is dissolved, as shown below:

  • Hollow metal pipes are first inserted  through a small surgical opening that are highly accurate
  • In this process, some subcutaneous fibers are inserted through the mentioned tube, from which low-beam laser scans dissolve fat and convert it into fluids that are easily disposable with the usual vital processes of the body after local anesthesia of the target area.
  • This process takes several sessions depending on the situation, but it is necessary to keep the fat melting rate per session equal to or less than 500 milliliters per session so as not to cause some damage

Side effects of surgically dissolving fat

Like many different surgeries, there are some side effects associated with this procedure, which will be mentioned as follows:

  • Some local infections
  • Some infections appear
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Some cases of severe bleeding

After fat dissolving

Cases are undergoing a recovery period after the operation and the doctor’s instructions must be followed, as these operations are a type of ones that requires rest of up to one hour immediately and 10 or 15 days after the operation in general, here are some of the advice of the doctors circulating regarding this period:

  • It is necessary to avoid removing adhesive bandages for a period of 24:48 hours in the face and between 7:10 days in  any other area
  • Regular or stressful sports activities should be avoided for one to two weeks so that no complications occur
  • Taking drugs  described by your doctor 
  • Keep the area that the operation done clean so that no contamination results in any complications
  • Perform some light massages 10:12 days after treatment begins
  • Warning of severe massage of the area in the first periods after the operation
  • If there are any noticeable side effects such as local inflammation or severe bleeding, you must return quickly to your doctor.

Ways to dissolve fat without surgery

With the rapid development of medically approved methods, the methods used to dissolve fat have evolved as follows:

  • Dissolve fat by freezing with filler
  • Dissolve fat by laser suction
  • RF fat melting
  • Ultrasonic fat melting

Dissolving belly fat

Many of us resort to various fat dissolving processes, especially the process of dissolving belly fat, where it is one of the most accumulated areas of complex fat that dissolves only with continuous exercise with the follow-up of diets prepared by a specialist as well as other processes detailed earlier.

Fat dissolving prices

Prices of dissolving and suctioning belly fat

  • The price of abdominal fat suction in the UAE starts at 3,000 AED for simple operations, and complex operations start at 15,000 AED and reach 25,000 or 50,000 AED.
  • The price of abdominal fat suction in Saudi Arabia starts at 5000 SR for simple operations and complex operations start from 10,000 SR and reach 20,000 or 40,000 SR.
  • The price of abdominal fat suction in Egypt starts at 13,000 LE for simple operations, and complex processes start from 40,000 LE to 70,000 or 100,000 LE
  • The price of abdominal liposuction in America starts at 4,000$, and complex processes start at 5,000 $and reach 7,000$.
  • The price of abdominal fat suction in Turkey in Turkey starts at 8000 TL for simple operations, and complex processes start from 10,000TL to 30,000 TL.

Fat dissolving prices without surgery

Fat dissolving prices without surgical intervention depending on the method used as follows:

  • The price of laser fat dissolving in the UAE ranges from 3,000 to 10,000$.
  • The price of laser fat dissolving in Saudi Arabia ranges from 3,500 to 10,500$.
  • The price of fat dissolving in Egypt ranges from 2,000 to 5,000$.
  • The average price of dissolving and suctioning body fat with ultrasound ranges from 2,000 to 10,000$.
  • The average price of dissolving and liposuction by freezing the filler ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 $per session.
  • The average price of RF fat dissolving ranges from 2,000 to 7,000$.

After identifying fats and how it formed and the reasons that lead to this, in addition to ways to get rid of them, we must follow these famous advices in this regard such as “prevention is better than treatment”, so that we do not have to resort to systems that harm our health or surgeries or non-surgical operations that may cause us some harm so that we can live better

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