dr haider al bayati

dr. haider al bayati
Academic qualifications:
– Bachelor of Dental Surgery University of Baghdad, Master’s degree.
– Orthodontics – University of Baghdad Lecturer at the College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad.
Member of:
1- The Iraqi Dentists Syndicate since 1996.
2- Iraqi Orthodontic Association 2005.
3- World Federation of Orthodontists 2006.
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Treatment of cases with:
- Visible and invisible appliances, clear aligners including Invisalign techniques, Lingual appliances and TAD techniques.
- Surgical procedures including; Application of laser in orthodontics, minor orthodontic surgeries, extraction of impacted teeth, laser frenulectomy and implantation of orthodontic implants.
- Coordination with major orthognathic surgeries including pre- and post-operative orthodontic treatment.
- Digital dentistry, CAD-CAM technology and its operation.
Attending many diverse courses, conferences, and exhibitions in the field of orthodontics, cosmetics, surgery, and CAD-CAM technology in Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Japan, and the United States.