Gingivitis, Its Causes and The Best Ways to Treat

Gingivitis is a common form of gum disease that causes irritation, redness and swelling of the gums, the part surrounding the teeth.

Many patients deal with gingivitis as a simple matter, but on the contrary, it is important to take gingivitis seriously and treat it immediately, because gingivitis can lead to other more serious diseases that may lead to tooth loss.

The main cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene and not doing the right thing, and you may not know that good hygiene habits contribute to maintaining oral health, such as brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and having a regular dental examination.

Types of Gingivitis:

There are 2 types of gingivitis

Type 1

It results from dental plaque, which is the main source of plaque accumulation, which causes irritation and swelling of the gums and ends with inflammation and a change in the color of the gums accompanied by pain.

Type 2

Sometimes gums produce lesions as a result of a bacterial, viral or fungal infection, and this condition causes allergic reactions as a result of reactions to foreign bodies.

 Both types of gingivitis can develop if not treated quickly because negligence can make it more serious and can end up with tooth loss.

What are the symptoms of gingivitis?

Symptoms and signs of gingivitis are as follows:

·       Swollen gums

·       Gums turn dark red in color

·       Gums bleed easily when brushing or flossing

·       Bad Breath

·       The gums become very thin, but if the gums are healthy, they are a little solid

Reasons for Gingivitis

As we mentioned before, the main cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene that causes plaque to form on the teeth, and this causes damage to the tissues surrounding the teeth.

So, how does plaque build-up in gingivitis?

At first, plaque forms on the teeth, which is a sticky substance that is not visible to the eye. It consists of bacteria that form on the teeth due to the interaction of starches and sugars in food with the bacteria that are already in the mouth.

And of course, plaque requires removal on a daily basis and regular tooth brushing because it re-forms in a short time.

Then the plaque begins to turn into tartar and develops a state of hardening and stability on the teeth in a way that can only be removed with the intervention of the dentist, and if it is not removed early, it begins to collect bacteria in the mouth and becomes more difficult to remove, and causes irritation along the gum line.

This is where the end point occurs and we reach the stage of gingivitis. The longer the plaque and tartar stay on the teeth, the more irritating the gums.

Over time, gums swell and bleed easily and may also lead to tooth decay.

Others factors and reasons:

There are many external factors that may cause increased plaque formation and gingivitis such as:

·       Hormonal Changes:

Like puberty, menopause, and pregnancy, the gums are likely to become more sensitive and inflamed.

 ·       Other diseases:

Such as diabetes, human immunodeficiency diseases, as well as cancer.

 ·       Other medications:

There are types of medicines that cause swelling and inflammation of the gums as they reduce saliva secretion and can affect a person\’s oral health.

 ·       Smoking:

Heavy smokers usually get gingivitis more often than non-smokers.

 ·       Age:

The risk of developing gingivitis increases with age.

 ·       Genetics

One of the causes of gingivitis is a family history. Those whose father or parents have had gingivitis are more likely than others to develop gingivitis.

H is gingivitis diagnosed?

The dentist detects and confirms symptoms after the examination, such as the presence of plaque and tartar in the oral cavity.

What are the ways to treat gingivitis and swollen gums?

Gum treatment methods are simple. If the diagnosis is made early and the treatment is prompt and correct, the patient may be able to treat gingivitis at home through good oral hygiene.

·      Treating gingivitis at home

Rinsing with saline is the most common way to treat gingivitis at home. Saline plays a major role in treating gingivitis, due to its great ability to fight bacteria hiding in the oral cavity and prevent it from multiplying.

The way to prepare it at home is very simple, all you have to do is add a spoonful of salt to a cup of warm water, stir well and then start rinsing, but be careful not to swallow it.

If the symptoms are not resolved, or the condition affects you and causes you constant pain and discomfort, you need to see a specialist and consult it. 

And you should know that dental treatment is not limited to your visit to the doctor only, as the biggest burden falls on you because the matter needs attention, care and periodic follow-up.

Prevention and treatment of gingivitis

The most important step in the prevention of gingivitis is to maintain proper oral hygiene, and pay attention to brushing and flossing because both are necessary to remove plaque that causes gingivitis and food residues.

Even if you have the ability to pay attention to your oral hygiene, there are some areas where plaque may still build up and need professional cleaning to remove them.

In that case you can visit the dentist because if you do not remove the tartar, you are heading towards a more serious gum disease problem.

Basmat Al Hayat Medical Center has a distinguished group of experienced and skilled doctors, and we always aim to provide the medical services to all our patients, and this is done through accurate diagnosis and detection of the available treatment options.

You can visit Basmat Al Hayat Medical Center in Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah.

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