Filler under the eye

Eyes are one of the first things that grab a person's attention.

Filler under the eye

The eyes are one of the first things that attract the attention of another person. The eyes have a special, captivating charm that differs from one person to another, so some people resort to paying attention to the eyes and treating their various problems. One of the most famous methods of treating the various problems that appear under the eyes is the famous therapeutic filler method.

Contents of the article

  • Causes of problems in the under-eye area
  • What is under-eye filler?
  • Who can use under-eye filler?</li >
  • Before eye filler
  • How to perform under eye filler
  • Under eye filler results
  • Advantages of under eye filler
  • Disadvantages Under-eye filler

What is eye filler?

Under-eye filler is materials under the eye. The eye is injected with very fine needles; Specially prepared needles to suit the sensitivity of that area. Fillers injected under the eyes differ depending on the materials injected. There is collagen filler, which lasts for approximately 6 months, and there is hyaluronic acid filler, which has the greatest effect.

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Who can use under-eye filler?

  • There are some people who resort to under-eye filler as a solution to problems in that area, as follows:
  • People who suffer from eye problems. In the area under the eyes
  • People who do not have any allergies to the materials used in the injections
  • People who do not suffer from infections or allergies to injections
  • Filler injections are not suitable for Young people
  • People who do not suffer from blood thinners
  • People who have inherited problems under the eyes
  • Healthy people who do not suffer from any chronic diseases

Before under-eye filler

There are some precautions that must be taken before resorting to under-eye filler surgery, as follows:
If these problems are the result of temporary causes that disappear when the effect is removed, then patience and work must be done to get rid of the effect.
Some eye problems are solved when you follow a healthy diet and drink enough water and water. It is important to sleep enough and not stay up for a long time, especially in front of bright screens.
It is possible to use cucumber slices and green tea bags to get rid of toxins under the eyes.
It is possible to use medicated creams that suit the skin type and the existing problem.

If under-eye problems are dealt with correctly and no improvement occurs, it is possible to resort to under-eye fillers as a solution to those problems.< /div>

How to perform a filler under the eyes

  • A consultation session is held in which the problems under the eyes and the requirements of the condition are identified and whether injections are required. Previous or not
  • The injection session is determined, and the doctor advises you to rest before the operation, get enough sleep, and avoid taking various blood-thinning medications until the injection session
  • In the specified session, local anesthesia is given to the area</li >
  • The injection is prepared with the substance used and injected, especially in the area of the eye sockets
  • The location of the injection varies sometimes depending on the cause leading to the problems under the eye
  • This process is completed in no more than ten or fifteen days. Accurate
  • It is one of the simple operations that does not require great efforts or large equipment

Eye filler results

  • One of the advantages of under eye filler is that It does not take a long time for its results to appear, but the result of the procedure depends on the nature of the person’s problem, the body’s response to the nature of the injected substance, and the difference in the substance used in the injection as well
  • Some problems may be solved with a single injection, and sometimes they are injected several times
  • The results of under-eye filler appear noticeably after injection in approximately 4 weeks for full effect

Advantages of under-eye filler

Injections with natural materials are one of the Effective methods in treating various skin problems. Among the advantages of under-eye fillers are the following:
  • The procedure is performed without surgical intervention
  • No need for complete anesthesia
  • Accuracy The needles used reduce the severity of the injection pain.
  • The injection process takes place not more than 10 or 15 minutes
  • You do not need to stay in the hospital for long periods
  • Its effect Effective and continuous for months and years

Damages of under-eye filler

There are several risks resulting from under-eye filler, as shown below:

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  • The appearance of some types of infections resulting from lack of good sterilization of tools; Therefore, it is necessary to resort to a trustworthy doctor
  • The appearance of some types of allergies to the injection materials
  • The appearance of some symptoms such as bruising, swelling, and severe redness associated with itching
  • The occurrence of bleeding after operations at the site of the needles< /li>
  • Some tissues are damaged if the injection is done into the blood vessels
  • Some of the eye nerves are damaged if the injection is done in them or in areas close to them
  • The optic nerves are damaged if the injection is done into the vessels The blood supply to it
  • The appearance of some clumps resulting from poor distribution of the filler under the skin during the injection and treatment process
  • The positive thing about these damages is that most of them do not last long It is easy to treat in a simple and smooth way, such as using ice to treat bruises and lumps, but there are some damages that can only be solved with other cosmetic operations. It is also necessary to resort to a specialist doctor who is proficient in these operations.

    < h3>How to deal with complications of under-eye filler

    The method of dealing with eye damage varies depending on the accompanying complications as follows:

    < h3>Dealing with lumps

    Some types of lumps are removed by passing some ice on the area under the eye, and some are removed by massage, but there are types in which dissolving medications are used, and if that does not work, they are removed through surgical intervention.</div >

    Dealing with infections

    Antibiotic medications have proven effective in treating various types of infections resulting from injections into the under-eye areas.< /div>

    Dealing with Tyndall’s Cases

    Most Tyndall’s cases are treated with massage or cortozone injections.

    Dealing with the case of drug vascular injection

    There are some problems resulting from an error in vascular injection, which causes clots and blockage of some of the vessels connecting the eye nerve, which affects Therefore, in this case some of the following medications are used:
    • Some vascular dilating creams
    • Using hyaluronidase
    • Using warm compresses
    • Taking cortisone pills

    Filler technology is one of the important technologies used in various treatments that have brought about a major change in the cosmetic aspect, as it has become It is easy and easy to obtain the desired changes and get rid of the various problems accumulated due to the time factor and other various reasons that affect us in general.

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